Some quality viewing is on-the-cards for British and Irish TV license payers.
An exciting new online store and resource website for European windsurfers and watersports freaks has just been launched by Irish wave addict Pearse Geaney.
Check out for more details.
Here's some effects of big surf...
Windsurfing's father-figure and co-inventor Jim Drake's gonna celebrate his 80th Birthday at the Defi Wind.
The PWA feature a new Brazilian Freestyle talent - João Henrique Barros Ferreira
Finian Maynard talks about his latest Slalom racing beasts. (Here's some more pre-season tune-up talk from Starboard.)
Remember, Epic Session's weekend-long webcast from Ho'okipa starts today. (Maui-time.)
GP tells me the Starboard team is in town so the level of action might well get stepped-up as rival teams go all-out to get the most insane action in-the-can for their marketing materials.
There's a link on WSJ to video footage of Allison Shreeve's Bass Straight Challenge attempt.
WSJ also have a French language interview with Julien Taboulet on his 'Full House' switch to Naish. (Tip - use Google translate to read in preferred language.)
I'm looking for good topics for a new Poll or two so if you've got any good ideas or can think of issues you'd like to see peoples' opinion on please leave a comment below, (No sign-in required) or mail me. Thanks.
I'm going a wave huntin' this weekend and early next week so probably gonna be offline for a while.
Remember the webcasts are on and to trawl through all the good sites on the Links Page for content. Have a great weekend!
Some poll thoughts:
"Should supercross be brought back in the PWA?"
"Is windsurfing to gear focused?"
"Is it a shame that there is no PWA competition on Maui?"
"Has frestyle becomed to specialized?"
Vote for the best wave-sailor of all time!
Robby, JP, Goya, Mark Angulo, Kauli, Josh Angulo, Josh Stone, Craig Maisonville... etc...
Posted by: drm | April 08, 2009 at 03:16 PM
"Is the new gear better than the 08 one?"
Posted by: Snooksa | April 09, 2009 at 01:43 PM