PWA Judge Thijs van de Meer wrote back on the Levi Siver 'Is it an Air Taka or a Goiter?' issue.
Thijs says it's a Goiter because "In the picture [above] you can see the mastfoot is clearly higher than the top of the mast.
To me, that's where an Air Taka turns into a Goiter.
Goiters are being done a lot flatter these days, it looks less radical, but the guys are sticking them more consistently this way.
A tough trade off. Compliments to Levi for staying in the wave in these offshore conditions. Too bad he lost it at the end." Thanks Thijs for that insight. If you disagree why not vote in the Poll to the right?
By the way. Eagle-eyed readers might have noticed the various spellings of Goiter in circulation.
Irish Pro Oisin Van Gelderen did some research and found that a Goiter, as opposed to a Goyta or Goita, is related to an overdose of action in the Adrenal glands!
From memory I think that's why the move was named that back in the 90s. So who invented it? Was it Mark Angulo? Any answers, medical or windsurfing related are appreciated in the Comments section below. Thanks.
Here's a revolutionary new way of choosing a sail from Boardseeker.
I had a great response to yesterday's 'arty Blogs' post, and received a lot of links such as Frank from's recomendation.
Yann Sorlut sums-up the AFF event in Almanarre, France.
Take a deep breath and hoooooooooold.
Even The King goes on the Rocks from time-to-time.
GP get's his readers to take some of the strain and posts other people's videos for a day. Good idea.
More new perspectives from Dani Miguel.
Err how glad am I that never bought any Quiksilver stock? Thanks to [Twitter] @Ian Votteri for the alert!
I think it was indeed Mark Angulo, but for sure Dave Kalama made the most radical Goiters in the 80's/90's.
Posted by: Geert | March 13, 2009 at 10:52 AM
I had the feeling it was Dave Kalama who invented it. I thought it came out around the time that Mark Angulo was not sailing too much due to other "interests"!
Posted by: Dave | March 13, 2009 at 11:27 AM
Hi Dave, Hi Geert. Yeah Kalama was legendary at them hey? But for me it was Rush randle and Mark 'Hedgy'Perderson who did the best ones.
I've seen them both two on one wave at Ho'okipa - real tweaked ones too. Amazing. The newer, 'flatter' ones look like a snowboarding McTwist eh?
Posted by: Beej | March 13, 2009 at 12:49 PM
Mark invented the goiter (along with the 360 and now the Mutant). He knew it was the most radical windsurfing move at the time, and all the magazines were dying to get it published. So, he decided to name it the most disgusting thing he could think of, a throat goiter (swelling of the thyroid glands). The name stuck and so did the move.
Posted by: Windsurfer | March 13, 2009 at 03:39 PM
Hey Windsurfer - thanks. I googled some pics of throat Goiters and they're gross alright! Sick! Just like Mark Angulo's style!
Posted by: Beej | March 13, 2009 at 03:43 PM
so glad you guys finally got the name right.... amazing how much it bugged me that they always wrote goita.... that move was started by Mark, Dave was there with him and together they pushed eachother an think they even decided the name toghether. Although I was just a little grommet at that time I remember there was such a strong camaradarie in the water and on the land , that's what they did and that's why the were and still are the best at inventing and taking it to the next level.... true artists!
Posted by: Josh Angulo | March 14, 2009 at 09:45 AM